Job Market

Gig Economy

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, our job market has evolved and will continue to see some major changes as the weeks continue. With the work-from-home business model becoming the norm, employers in this gig economy look to gain flexibility and agility with their workforces. Employers have started looking beyond the idea of a full-time workforce…

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2019 Job Outlook in India

In 2018, we witnessed a strong demand for talent in countless positions across many different industries—especially in mid- and senior-level management roles. As we look further into 2019, we expect Indian industries to experience continued growth, with most of the economic sectors looking to hire the best talent in some of the fastest-growing markets in…

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Top 5 Recruitment Trends to Watch in 2019

In 2018, widespread adoption of artificial intelligence and automation, coupled with growing demand for highly skilled workers, brought new disruption and innovation to the recruitment industry. During the coming year, our industry will continue to evolve as we optimize and streamline recruiting efforts to attract the best, most qualified talent. The job market has become…

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Random 11

In 2017, recruitment industry trends such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data and analytics have made an impact on the recruitment field. Although it is likely these trends will remain strong, recruiters and hiring managers must remain competitive, relevant and socially aware. Let’s look at the recruiting trends most likely to dominate 2018:

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IT Footer CTA

Even for corporate giants and well-established organizations, the hiring process is an uphill task. Numerous hours are spent looking over resumes and interviewing candidates which definitely affects productivity. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the average time it takes to fill a position is 42 days. For startups, the hiring process is even…

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With the declaration of demonetisation, approximately 86% of cash became defunct. What effect will this have on the Indian job market?  According to a study representing over 3 lakh micro/small, medium, and large-scale industries in manufacturing and export sectors and conducted by the All India Manufacturers’ Organization (AIMO):

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