Job seekers

Top List of Cities Attracting Talent In India

Top List of Cities Attracting Talent in India  Which cities are the most attractive to emerging talent across the country? India’s employment landscape is shifting, with Tier-2 cities attracting higher numbers of workers across multiple industries.  The Tier-1 cities leading in job creation include:  Bengaluru  Delhi  Mumbai  Chennai  Meanwhile, these are the Tier-2 cities attracting…

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Top Highest Paying Tech Jobs In India In 2019

The post-millennial and current Gen Z are all about disruption in the technology space, which has grown from one or two fields with limited number jobs to many fields and numerous job openings. The technological revolution is at its best right now, and any technical skill added to a job seeker’s resume can be helpful…

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2019 Job Outlook in India

In 2018, we witnessed a strong demand for talent in countless positions across many different industries—especially in mid- and senior-level management roles. As we look further into 2019, we expect Indian industries to experience continued growth, with most of the economic sectors looking to hire the best talent in some of the fastest-growing markets in…

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