corporate blogs

Contract Staffing Makes Sense!

The current job market is very ambitious and candidate skillsets more diversified than in years past. Organizations should modify hiring strategies with these diverse skillsets in mind. Managers should also be well-versed in hiring trends to avoid critical staffing issues like last minute declines, cost of hiring, high attrition rate, etc. After considering these factors,…

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Blockchain and HR

There’s no denying that we are amidst a technological revolution. The biggest trendsetter has not been technologies such as Big Data Analytics, AI, Cloud Computing, or even IoT. Instead, Blockchain technology may soon forge ahead of other technologies. The technology came into existence as the backbone of cryptocurrencies and is more a revolution than an…

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General forecast The most important parameter for talent experts to track performance is the quality of hires. Today, many organizations are measuring it by employee turnover and, as a result, employee retention is emerging as a top priority. In addition, employee referral programs are proving to be game changers when it comes to quality hiring,…

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