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7 Roles Information Technology Leaders Plan to Recruit in 2022

In recent years, the demand for qualified tech talent has soared. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, IT has played a crucial role in maintaining stability as organizations embrace a hybrid work model, and security and risk management have become a high-level issue. It’s more important than ever to differentiate your organization to attract quality tech candidates. In this blog, we explore the top seven roles leaders plan to hire in 2022 and how to recruit top IT talent.

Top 7 Information Technology Roles

Information Security Analysts
Information security analysts are the gatekeepers of information systems. They are responsible for planning and executing security measures that prevent a company’s computer systems and networks from cyberattacks and hacking. To keep data and systems safe, they install protective software, watch for potential data breaches, and respond to any attacks that occur within their organization. The demand for cyber and information security professionals across all industries continues to grow as the number and sophistication of security breaches climb and government regulations become more complex.

Computer and Information Research Scientists
Computer and information research scientists create new computing methods and technology to solve problems—in business, science, and other fields—and find innovative uses for existing technology. Their work in countless industries results in better networking technology, faster computing speeds, and improved information security. The demand for computer scientists—with experience in machine learning and AI (artificial intelligence)—continues to grow along with the digital transformation.

Software Developers
Software developers are the masterminds behind all of the technologies we take for granted each day—like the apps on our phones and the computer programs we use to perform our jobs. Developers build the software that powers networks and enables users to perform tasks—such as watching a movie, playing a game, or building a spreadsheet—on a computer or device. After meeting with clients to analyze and identify their needs, developers write, test, deploy, and maintain the user-friendly computer applications required to meet their requirements.

DevOps combines software development with IT operations with a goal of shortening the life cycle of systems development and provide high-quality delivery. DevOps is a new way of working with cross-functional teams to assure successful implementations. Positions include quality assurance, security engineers, code release managers, automation experts, software developers, and security engineers. When hiring for your DevOps team be sure to account for soft skills, including communication, customer service mindset, team player. Given that each role needs to interact with all team members and others throughout your organization, they will need more than just a great system build and IT background.

Cloud Computing
Cloud computing allows businesses to access digital information over the internet from anywhere through a system of data centers and warehouses. Jobs range from developers and architects to data scientists and security professionals. Most cloud computing engineers have developed and designed cloud-based web services and also handle the planning, maintenance, and support. The global cloud infrastructure has grown tremendously in recent years and has been critical in helping businesses overcome the pandemic, making these positions in high demand. Skills include cloud migration and deployment, machine learning and AI, database, and programming languages.

Data Engineering/Big Data
Big data is changing the way business is conducted and the need for data engineers continues to rise. The goal of a data engineer is to make data accessible so businesses can accurately evaluate and optimize their performance. To do this, they build systems to collect, manage, and convert raw data that business analysts and data scientists can utilize. With backgrounds in cloud computing, coding, and database design, data engineers typically have skills in ETL systems, automation and scripting, machine learning, big data tools, and data security to name a few.

In simplest terms, blockchain is a digital register of transactions—making digital assets transparent and unalterable by decentralizing them allowing for direct financial transactions and high security with cryptocurrency. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, the opportunities for employment continue to grow at a high rate. Several studies have shown that blockchain in the fastest-growing skill. Industries such as BFSI (banking, financial services, and insurance), supply chain, and healthcare have increased demand for talent in the areas of blockchain developers, quality engineers, software engineers, business analysts, and designers.

Soft Skills to Access

Soft skills are the non-technical skills that allow tech workers to interact and maintain good interpersonal relationships with their clients, co-workers, and managers. Throughout the hiring process, be sure to look for these important soft skills to ensure tech candidates can perform effectively.

  • Problem-solving: In their day-to-day role, IT professionals are required to troubleshoot technical problems. To determine the cause of a problem—and the most effective solution—they must possess strong problem-solving abilities.
  • Communication: Tech workers must have strong communication skills to communicate complex technical problems, ideas, and solutions clearly and logically. Here are ways to uncover a candidate’s communications skills in an interview.
  • Analytical: To solve unique challenges facing their clients or end-users, IT professionals need the skills required to collect and analyze information. Analytical skills include critical thinking, data analysis, and research. Indeed has compiled interview questions to access the candidate’s critical thinking ability and find solutions.

What Tech Candidates are Seeking

Below are a few examples of what job seekers are looking for in a potential employer to help your organization attract and retain top tech talent in today’s competitive labor market.

  • Opportunities for growth and development: IT professionals want career mobility and leaders that support their advancement. Does your organization provide continuous skill development and meaningful growth opportunities?
  • Make work meaningful: Top tech talent needs to feel like they are engaging their minds and staying sharp so it’s important to ensure you are making their work meaningful.
  • Corporate values: What makes your organization unique to job candidates? To help tech job applicants determine if they’ll be a good fit, share your corporate values with candidates.
  • Flexible benefits and work environment: Tech workers are looking for an environment that fosters work-life balance such as hybrid work options and/or a 10 hour/4-day work week.
  • Reputation: By showcasing the IT excellence awards your organization has won, you can demonstrate to candidates that your company is stable and has a positive reputation.


Competition for strong tech talent is fierce. In the third quarter of 2021, tech job postings were up 39 percent over the previous year and the pool of available candidates remains small. To differentiate your company from your competitors, it’s important to understand what motivates IT professionals. To attract and retain top tech talent in 2022, organizations must be aware of what candidates are seeking in an employer and spend time connecting with them throughout the interview process.