Contract Staffing

Find qualified temporary employees and contract-to-direct hires for your organization.

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    Refine your search. Hire with confidence using contract staffing services from Acara.

    Need extra staff for a short-term assignment? Searching for qualified seasonal employees? Look no further than Acara Solutions India.

    In this fast-paced, high-tech world, we bring you temp services built for the tech revolution. As a proficient temp agency, Acara Solutions India is known for providing companies with innovative solutions to contract staffing that deliver qualified temporary candidates.

    With access to the best talent for your temporary employment positions, Acara Solutions India provides end-to-end recruitment services to our partners with the flexibility they need to adapt in an ever-changing world.

    Acara Solutions India is a renowned name amongst contract staffing agencies. When it comes to temporary hiring solutions, we leverage our legacy of serving international professionals in telecommunications, semiconductors, IT solutions, and banking and finance.

    Contact us to learn more about contract staffing solutions.

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    Find more time for your team with contract-to-direct staffing solutions.

    We get it. Commitments are scary. Maybe you’ve hired an employee in the past only to find out that their attitude just isn’t a culture fit. Contract-to-direct hiring reduces administrative burdens and training costs to your company. You onboard talent as direct employees only after you’ve fully vetted their capabilities and work styles, ensuring the right fit for your team without the risk of upfront investment. Ensure that your talent is a perfect fit before committing to a long-term, direct relationship.

    Our contract-to-direct services keep the pressure off. We source and screen your new hires and deploy them as contract employees with a set schedule for status conversion. This puts them confidently on the road to direct employment, and you have the peace of mind that comes with testing the waters.

    For contract-to-direct hires in the IT space, our recruiters are equipped with the skillset to handle emerging business elements, such as software framework, machine learning, deep learning, big data, digital transformation, and cloud-based infrastructures.

    Are you looking for a company that allows you to assess talent before hiring full-time? Your search ends with Acara Solutions India. Get started today!

  • Risk mitigation.

    You’ll have the opportunity to work on actual tasks and projects with your new hire before you commit to direct employment, so you’ll be able to see if they have the capabilities and attitude you’re looking for.
  • Cost savings.

    You’ll only be responsible for onboarding and training employees that are in it for the long haul.
  • Resource optimization.

    We’ll take care of sourcing, vetting and scheduling contractual employees, so your team can focus on other tasks and initiatives.

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